
Today's Winners list for September 21, 2012

I haven't been able to focus on publicly exposing these folks as much as I should these past couple of days. Sorry about that but work calls. The few times I've made it over to Adalia's page, her team has done an excellent job flagging these types of mental midgets anyway.

But I'm still determined to do what part I can to make these folks someday regret their abusive words. Others try to reason with them. That goes nowhere. All these types of idiots can do is dig their heels in further, because saying “I am wrong” is just too much for their cowardly little hearts to muster the strength for.

Others might recommend these slobs go into some form of therapy. And I'd agree. But I'm no therapist. What I am is a guy who is flat out disgusted that anyone would try to cause more hurt to this family than they've already experienced. I want these folks to pay for their actions. I want them to lose a job opportunity for what they're trying to do. I want them to be exposed to a potential romantic partner and for their heart to be broken.

I'm not interested in forgiveness. Nobody is with these types of people. Sometimes, there just is no room for forgiveness. Or redemption. And the well of respect for them as people has run dry. If you're interested in reporting them to Facebook, these next few nasty comments occurred on the following thread: Facebook admin will need to know this.

Other than that, if you happen to know any of them personally, let them know they're finding fame, they're only screwing themselves in the long run and that I absolutely hate them with a purple, furry, snarling, fanged passion. So here we go, tonight's scumbags:

One JoeyPalumbo shows off his pathetic, little tough guy routine. He's such a tough guy, he feels threatened by a 5-year-old with progeria. Remember ladies, when you're considering having welfare babies with this pathetic sack of skin, this is his true nature, in spite of anything he might try to claim to the contrary.

Along with Big Man Joey Palumbo, we have a few likes from his little boyfriends. Why just point out Joey Palumbo alone? It seems fair that anyone who “likes” such a comment at least deserves a mention too. Those who like this comment are Lynwood Spratley, Scott File, Michael Kenny Lacroix, Jeremey Beckers, Mathieu Blanchette, James Carden and Forrest Lam. I'm sure each and every one of you must feel like some REAL BIG men, huh? Your names will come up in future searches for sure. Aren't all these big men awesome, ladies?

Next, we have Mickey Lee. Apparently, Mickey can't choose between whether he should be a shallow, abusive idiot or a sociopath. Personally, I recommend he have one of his friends curb-stomp him . But he's too much of a Facebook-toughie for that I suppose. Remember his behavior in the future when you're deciding whether you want to deal with him in any way whatsoever.

Dylan Fairleigh seems to be confused about what he watched in the video. Of course, it's obvious he knows he just watched a video from a happy, wonderful, sweet little kid who inspires many to be grateful for how good they have it. He just feels the need to be a putz. It's all he has to offer the world, after all.

And of course, three-legged, rabid animals travel in packs, so a few of his fellow turds gave him a like for his worthless, nasty dig. Their names are Osnat Menashe, Mitchell Johnson, Jay Raju, Garret Porter and Brendon Wetham. One look at any of these guys and their overcompensation is almost understandable.

And unfortunately, I'm only able to find one more on this thread tonight. Her name is Yuval Damari – as far as I can get a translation. She wants us all to know she sucks as a human being so badly, even her efforts at being funny fall flat. An “alien” joke? Really? Such pathetic humor, young lady. You're a disappointment to the humorous and you lack a maternal instinct. No, really. You suck. Be ashamed.


Well, here's one down - So many more to go.

Well, thanks to a friend who's quite the sharp mind, the identity of a particularly nasty attack page meant to hurt little Miss Adalia and her family has been identified. On September 6, 2012, a special winner's list went up. This post didn't share individual comments themselves. Rather, I was sharing these nasty attack pages.

One of these listings, #6, is titled "Kill Adalia Rose Before it Lays Eggs." And while the drunken, walking pile of dog feces who operates the page hoped for anonymity behind her page (because that's what cool kids do - attack 5-year-olds and then hide like cowards), their identity is now known. I am so proud to be a friend with the person who identified them for us all.

Allow me to introduce to you, one Adrianna Peachez, creator of the aforementioned tragedy. Of course, I realize the hooker-name she's using isn't her real name. But at least the profile associated with it is known. Finding out who she really is, is just a matter of time. It's how you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

So, mind helping us all in reporting her for her harassment? Do you feel someone putting up a page threatening a little kid's life warrants a report to law enforcement? I wonder if she'll be as drunk, trashy and giggly when daddy has to spend money on her bail.

This is one disgusting individual.

I'd like to thank my friends by sharing their Facebook page "Faces of Bullies," with you. Go give 'em a like.


Today's Winner's List for September 11, 2012

I'm sorry to have missed so many successive days of posting. Work had me tired and luck had me finding no crude, abusive comments. So, I had to focus on other writing projects. But, I had a bit of luck today. It seems the types of creeps (male and female) who target a 5-year-old with progeria just keep popping their greasy, whale-heads up. So here's today's winners.

BTW, unless they're particularly hurtful, I won't have much commentary on each one. But did I come across something fun today. It seems a few of these slobs not only are nasty enough to harass a little kid and her family, they're also dumb enough to list where they work (when they have jobs). So, whenever I get the chance, I'll not only be sharing them here, I'm going to pass their information and a screenshot of their comment(s) along to their employers. Wouldn't it just be lovely to see them lose their Internet service, perhaps their homes? Their cars? I don't mind at all. Really. These bastards need to hurt. That's how we learn.

From the thread As usual, Facebook admin will need to know this if anyone cares to help me report them for abuse.

Sarah Steinhauser

Joao Nolli is, in short, just another idiot, incapable of reading a single thing about her story.

Add the Human Turd Megan Brunning to that list too:

Of course, there are other threads and these jackwagons just keep on coming. Here's thethread these happened upon.

KristofferHetling Oops! Make that three human-sized floaters.

Joshua Daniel Burns Wants the world to know about his sexual attraction to 5-year-old girls with Progeria. His father must be proud.

And, it should be noted, one Enrique Hernandez of Stockton California agrees with him enough to give the comment a like, in public.

Dustin Hensey shows off his manly manliness by being another punk in a long line to harrass Adalia and her mom. Hey, ladies! Just imagine how this team member at Taco Bell can provide such a lucrative future and how good he'll be as a dad, himself. I wonder what Taco Bell might have to say about his penchant for abusing a 5-year-old? I shared his comment on their page too, for all of Facebook to see.

I really owe Dustin a great big thank you for being stupid enough to give me so much to use against him. Thanks Dustin, for being an idiot. You want to be hurtful? Okay. I only hope Taco Bell will have a response for what I just shared with them. But they probably won't, because Taco Bell sucks so horribly, they hire assholes like you, Dustin Hensey.

Luckily for most of the nastier comments the family and friends of this sweet little kid were kind enough to report them. So I had only a little luck today. But, for anyone else who needs a bit of help pulling their heads completely out of their butts in the topic of bullying, visit this video from her tumbler.  


A Special Winner's List for September 6, 2012

For the post tonight, first some good news, and then a little bad. The good news is I wasn't able to find any nasty or abusive comments anywhere on her page today. It seems her “team” is wise in blocking these losers. That's good to see. Less pain for the family is what many of us want after all.

Now for the bad news. These slobs who whine about being blocked on her page are starting a few of their own. (And then, ironically, they whine when anyone gives them crap. Aww. Poor little spoiled babies.) Now, I'm the last guy to give anyone any religious guilt. I'm just of the mind these little pieces of trash just aren't getting the attention they need at home.

Since I don't actually have anyone's real name, yet, I'm just going to make tonight about sharing the pages coming up in such volume. Give me a hand in reporting them please? Hate speech against the disabled is one option. Many of these pages also venture into pedo-like comments. I can't help but wonder what sort of sociopaths are coming to voting age shortly. I won't be giving a lot of commentary on these bastards. I'll share a link for anyone who wants to report them and a screenshot of something from their page, if there's something not-too-disgusting on their pages/in their groups. Please help me out here by reporting these dogs. Frankly, they're just pathetic and depressing. Anyway, here's tonight's winners:

#1) Adalia Rose is a minge.

Not going to share a screenshot. Look, trust me. Report them. Who cares if they like it or not?

#2) Adalia Rose Needs to be Shot

Nah. Not even sharing a screenshot of these folks either.

AdaliaRose is not beautiful, she is a butt ugly alien.

I've already noticed a running theme with these pages. They all have some sort of a statement about how folks can “go ahead and report them and blah blah blah.” It's almost as if they're putting that up as their wall because it's exactly what they don't want anyone to do.

#4) Adalia Rose Memes

Just more to not even have the stomach to share. It takes 5 seconds to report. That's all. Really.

#5) I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was Adalia Rose

Another one not even deserving of a screenshot. I'm noticing another pattern – there's just not a lot of originality among these folks. Sorta puts a picture in my mind of a bunch of fat, snot-nose little boys who've had a few too many Twinkies and a terrible case of greasy skin.

#6) Kill Adalia before it lays eggs

Seeing what I mean now too? How none of them can even be actually creative? Not a brain cell between 'em. And, just why are juveniles allowed to run pages and groups? Please don't try telling me about their rights. What about Adalia's family's rights?

#7) Adalia Rose is ugly

Well, she's not. And I'm really impressed by such a genius page on your part, whomever the little, oily bastard running this page is. Wow. How original. Reported too.

#8) Adalia Rose is not beautiful, nor is she cute

I'm guessing the admin here is what...11?

#9) Adalia Rose is beautiful? Jerk off to her then.

Hold onto your lunch, as we now share the following Facebook page. While I'm asking (read, begging and pleading) for your help, I'll understand if you just opt to not visit this page at all. I'm ashamed to even have it in my browser history. But please help me report them too. You don't need to go into the page itself.

#10) [Controversial humor] Adalia Rose is not beautiful, she is a butt-ugly alien [sic]

It's easy, with just these 10 pages, to see how much of an actually submissive, weak and lethargic minds these are to build these pages. See the common theme among them? “Ugly” comments and “alien” jokes. Not an ounce of talent between them.

Once I do eventually find out who hosts these pages/communities, I'm going to smear their names with their own words. A few of them might even be worth local attention so their neighbors and class-mates all know what sort of future criminal they have walking among them. I keep picturing these little, fat, sweaty bastards hiding their files from their mothers as she cleans their rooms after them.

Just putting this simple post together is emotionally draining. The f*ck is wrong with people? To those nice folks who really know me, either help me in reporting these pages, or get off of my friends list. I won't associate with someone who can't invest a couple minutes for this sweet, funny, precious little girl's sake. Please help me with this. One of my new heroines needs our help and it requires only the pushing of a few buttons. Do this.

Hey, would you like to see something which is guaranteed to make anyone smile? Go here right now. Two minutes, tops.


Today's Winners for September 5, 2012

Okay, I'm running a bit behind today, hence the late post. Sorry, but I gotta get out there and make the moolah too.

I've noticed something over these past few days of running this blog. When I see these comments from the ignorant folks who feel the need to pick on a little kid, I understand now exactly why it ticks me off. They're me. I used to be one of these types. Not that I'd be mean to a little kid, but I've made similar comments in other discussions to others which some might call “mean.” (We all have the capacity to be idiots. It's these who go after a 5-year-old who make me wonder if they're sociopaths.)

And it's those rare few who care enough to bother with calling me out on my bullshit that ever got me to break my cycle of crappy thinking. So, those of you who gt caught on this blog, you can either see it as me calling you out on it or you can see it as someone trying to do you the favor of making you think about the effects of your words. Either way, I'm fine.

You still deserve to one day answer for your abuses. And here you are. This blog is small potatoes now. But the more you give of me to share of you to the world, the better I index. This means even if you suddenly one day realize what sort of ass you are and quit trying to be hurtful, another asshat just like you helps me to make you all stand out. Aint it a beautifully vicious machine? It chews and chews and chews and the more it's fed, the sharper its teeth become.

So, in order to help make sure my blog doesn't come back on you one day and bite you in the ass, you'll not only need to quit your own abusive behavior, you'll need to contribute to the general mentality of proper behavior itself. But still, don't mistake me for a nice guy. I'm not. What I really wanna do is thump you in the eyeball. But I know now just how wrong that would be. So we'll do it this way.

I love doing this.

Of the 17,000+ comments on the thread found here, I couldn't find one nasty comment. I'll have to look into other threads as more free time allows. And, if you have a minute, go give the video a watch. It'll brighten your day, I guarantee it. She'll win you over too, if you don't already know about this little angel.

Just when I thought there might be some modicum of reason beginning to show up on her page, we now find a few unforgivables on the following thread. Facebook admin needs to know the thread where these fools acted up in your report.

I'm not going to comment much on some of these. I really think they'll speak for themselves better than anything I could ever say. RJAntosh Mattz-Gormley...well, like I said, I really can't say more than this low-life could ever say about themselves. I'm not sure if this fool realizes they're talking about such a young child. If they do, then well...I'm just at a loss for words.

SimasSimonas wants to express his pathetically low opinon of himself in Lithuanian. The only problem is he made the mistake at projecting it towards the wrong direction. Google Translate tells me his comment means “Pooh Dislike.” What is it with these little boys? Their parents taught them nothing?

Matt Diamond's comment is a little bit less harmful. He seems to be just another little boy who thinks his joke is the first time anyone's ever tried being a douche. Little bastard. What's so offensive about this comment is it's from a meme of "Who needs swag when you have progeria?" See, these little morons falsely allege the family of exploiting her disease. Little baby Matt here seems to feel it necessary to show the world how cool he thinks himself.

Well these three seem to be the only ones I get to catch tonight. I'm keeping track of other names I see referenced though. They'll pop their crappy little heads up again. They're just too damn stupid not to. I'll get them.

I realize most of these comments are from the young and extremely ignorant. But you know what? Nothing educates like pain. And I'd bet getting shot down for entance into some particular school, some job or even a relationship or two sometime in the future will be painful indeed. I'll see y'all around.


The Winner's List for September 4, 2012

Since I've started this, I've noticed most of the nastier comments come from hipster teenagers who seem to have some sort of a need for attention or to “buck the system” or who just don't really seem to “get” why a mother and her child just want to do something fun. Adalia's mom has already told us how her neighborhood isn't exactly the best, strangers make crude comments from ignorance and just being outdoors is a challenge for her.

These kids who make crude comments online seem to be lacking something in themselves. Maybe they feel that to show any kindness is some sort of a “weakness.” Maybe they're growing up in Klingon households where kindness is discouraged. Maybe they're taught that to be seen as strong, they must attack those smaller than them. I'd like to have a long talk with their parents. Of course, such efforts rarely bear fruit since these types of mentalities go back for many, many generations.

Then there are some of these comments made by adult versions of these teens. I can only guess they had similar childhoods as the teens who want to feel “big like daddy.” And even being out in the world now, they still have a craving to feel important, unique or at least pull some of the love shown for this little kid their way.

Aw. Poor little things. Well, too bad. This world doesn't guarantee love for anyone really – especially if you're going to pick on a 5-year-old. If it's recognition, love, attention or importance you yearn for, either do something to deserve it or just come out and ask for it from someone.

But to try to step on a parent having some fun with her baby, that's just not acceptable. To be nasty and abusive to this little girl should be criminal (and might be, depending on where you live). So, rather than show sympathy for such crude, abusive behavior to a little kid, I'm only going to put you here on my little wall of shame the moment I get a chance for a screenshot and leave you here, permanently. You messed up.

I have no qualms about being the catalyst which sparks a divorce, job loss, failed school admission, failed job interview or any other negative consequence of you landing here. Who the hell would want to deal with a child abuser anyway? (oh yes you are) You asked for this. Now cope with the repercussions if you've ended up on this blog.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you, your stupid friends or anyone else wishes to make an effort to hurt someone who's done you no wrong but is just trying to find all the happiness they can during this life, then I and my friends are your reaction.

I don't do this to be a hero, knight in shining armor or even anyone's friend. I'm not even a very nice guy, in fact. I do this because it's pretty shitty to be mean to a little kid and bring undeserved heartache onto their parents. Were you to try to act this way in public (meaning to not be hiding behind a monitor) the odds are good someone might grab you and just squeeze you until you pass out. And the cops, courts and all that just might go very easy on whoever did it to you too.

A lot of you are 4Chan members. Okay, I get it. Just leave your flavor of humor in those threads. It's welcome there. You don't get to dictate to the world how they have to respond to you. You need to learn how to live with the rest of the world. I certainly hate you enough to hope this turns out to be a painful lesson for you, for being cruel to a little kid.

And no, you don't get a voice within my comments to “let you explain.” You don't get to try trolling, lying or being a jerk here. I just laugh and hit “delete.” No problem for me. I sleep at night.

Like. A. Baby.

Well, here's today's bags of gas. Enjoy being pointed at, laughed at and recognized for the jackass you are:

These abuses occurred on this thread here. Facebook will need to know this when you report these people's profiles.

Jordan McLasse uses no words to express his displeasure with the post. We all know what the emoticon means. I bet you're such a hipster, huh. Too school for cool. Stay classy, McLasse.

Just when I thought her family had been merciful enough to report all the idiots, along comes Max Popenmoller. He's trying to sneak his own version of nasty in by typing in German. I don't know if he's just being “smart” by using German, or if it's his native tongue. I'm suspecting it's not his native tongue because Fb doesn't offer a translation. His comment translates to “I find you ugly,” on Google translate. Great. You have an opinion. What a great guy you must be. I'm sure a few women you meet later will someday love to know how you treat children. Oh yeah, dippy doo. They do background checks on guys these days.

Sarah” seems to be a troll account on Fb. Let's do all we can to get it shut down. The individual might make a new one. But let's just not let it be easy for her.

Dan Jones demonstrates why little kids who know jack squat about the world do not need a Facebook page. They really have much to learn before they can be trusted with a soapbox. I'm sure his parents will be supportive though. They don't want to hurt baby's feelings.

A community page titled “Head Crab People” is doing their best to garner attention. So, let's give it to them. They try the disclaimer trick of telling people they're purposefully offensive. Well, if they like strategy, let's show them a strategy. Funny how admins of these pages like to whine about “freedom of expression” (Which I also support) but lack the balls to let people know who they are. We grown-ups put our names on what we promote.

Well, it seems this thread has already been cleaned by Adalia's friends and family. Lucky them, who have already been removed. I saw several names responded to in other comments. I'll be looking out for those names again. I'm sure they'll try popping their meaty heads up again. Soon, very soon.

But for today, these are all I could dig up, and like it or not, I must get onto other projects right now. But I'll be back.


**Oh look! A couple more asshats! Just in time to schedule this for tomorrow's edition!**

These are happening on the thread found here.

One Emil Strom just fails miserably at anything other than douchebaggery. Maybe he doesn't realize he's just the 10,000th gritty-toothed slob to crack the “Hey gurl, do you even lift” joke. Maybe he's trying to ridicule Adalia because of her size. Either way. He's here now! Let's all welcome him aboard by reporting him for harassing this kid.

Joining Emil with a “like” are four of his favorite hilarious boyfriends Merrill Lance, Shawn Jenks, Tyler Gowdy and the admin of Head Crab, again. Aww. You guys are such big, tough guys for hassling a 5-year-old, if you'll pardon my loose usage of the terms “big,” “tough” and “guys.”

It seems another asshat's popped up for tonight too. I take much joy in knowing their cruelty to this child will cost them one day. Maybe not tomorrow – and I don't believe in karma or kizmet – I'm talking about future background searches. You'll come up and I wish I were there to watch you eat your words.

Schuyler Gonzales felt the need to demonstrate his rapier wit with one more giant bazinga. Wow. Who on Earth has ever encountered such a sense of humor? Go, young man, right now, Hollywood needs you.

Okay, well that's all I get to catch today. Too bad. These asshats really need to be exposed for the nasty idiots they are. Next to them, I feel like a damn genius.


Special announcement: I found an ally!

Wee! And here I thought I was the only one sick of these folks with less sense than shoes. Nah! Although I can't use any of the profiles/comments I found there (No link to the post where the comment itself was made), I'd like to point you in the direction of Faces of Bullies on Facebook

Give them a like. But don't respond to the slobs whose comments have been captured there. (It's hard not to.) These folks are just in need of some sort of attention, only I'm not their therapist. With some of the comments made, I wouldn't even want to be their friend.

These are comments caught by the Faces of bullies admin before they were deleted on Adalia's page (The admin asked me to let readers know they're not affiliated with Adalia's family.). They range from the “casually arrogant” to outright sexually-abusive. People can be pigs, I tell you. I hope their friends and families/present or future employers/prospective colleges are so proud of the things they've said.

Remember, drop by Faces of bullies on Facebook and offer them your support too. This Facebook page is ran by someone else, who, like me, is tired of seeing people abuse a family wanting to find what happiness they can. I wonder if there are others like this too. Well, anyway, back to work.

Also, I needed to tell readers that if they've noticed any links weren't functioning due to the ad code, I've fixed it now. Thanks again.

The Winner's List for September 3, 2012

These comments occurred on the link found right here. Some of theem go far beyond merely hurtful and into the scariest reaches of the human mind. I can't imagine how badly this must hurt her mom, with all she already has to deal with.

All I'm asking is you visit the profiles provided, report them for hate speech towards the disabled and tell Facebook staff which post they happened on (what I just provided above). Whether you send the comment-maker any message of your own remains your decision. But, as the blog-owner, I must advise against getting into any sort of encounter with these folks. Based on what I've seen they're probably not too stable mentally and that can spell danger. Let Facebook security take care of it after they've been reported.

As usual, I'm never taking down any name/profile which has found itself here. Too bad. If someone feels they're justified in being abusive to a 5-yr-old, then they should own up to their nastiness and own it for the rest of their lives. Maybe they should've picked on someone their own size.

I won't be listing those folks who say things like “I thought you were dead,” unless I see it multiple times. It seems some sickos on Facebook have at least five pages titled RIP Adalia Rose. So it's conceivable someone could be saying it in earnest. (And please report those pages on Facebook as you find them too.) Of course, like I said, multiples of such comments will land you here. Before any hipsters and asshats “think” it might be cool to be here – I can assure you – it will cost you someday. Maybe not right now, but someday.

This one is harder to do,not just because there are over 12,000 comments in general (I tried catching all of them. Honestly, I can already tell I'm going to need help with this hint hint) but also because some of them are just plain disgusting. If they were smart, they would have pulled their comment(s) long before now. They had their chance and now get to dance with the devil because he paid his dime. Try not to vomit at a couple of them.

I'm doing this because whomever is the individual deleting and reporting the nastier, abusive comments is only seeing those same slobs come back later to troll again. So if they insist on being repetitively abusive, then let's give them the name they're trying so hard to earn, right? Quite often, it's little boys who need the lesson in reality: For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.

The first comment I want to share with you is from one DanielPreviti. Oh, his parents will just love seeing the comment which landed him his plce on the map of the blogosphere. See for yourself. Click on his name in this text, report him for sexual harassment (Sadly, he's not the only one today) and let's all teach him to mind his manners.

Our next hero hides under the username Phillipine SaW dis Johnson and he's all man, at least in his mind. Big big man. He thinks he's funny. So, so funny. Hahaha good luck when your actions catch up with you, son.

Austin Lynch show's us his audition for a future comedy routine. Of course, he fails to understand he's just a wuss who picks on kids. Loser, like so many others.

NinaBahdd Reyes seems to forget we have Google Translate these days. Acosar a un niño, no es gracioso, cerdito, y tampoco lo es el cáncer. Usted es repugnante.

Congratulations to Josh Farro for being maybe douchebag number 100 since I've been watching to crack an “Adelia's dead” remark. You win the douchebag award and if you'll come by to pick it up, I'll gladly give you one printed up copy of this post, which you can stick anywhere you like as long as it's...

Josh Sherman show's himself to not only be the kind of guy who would try to break a little kid's heart, he waits until he “thinks” nobody's looking and then to sneak one more needless, nasty comment in. Caught you before you were deleted twerp. Well, if you think you're funny, you just might be famous one day.

Dane M Inman seems not only intent on ripping into the core of this baby's heart, but also her mother's and making a plug for the kookie krooks klan as well. So Dane, I wonder how proud you really are now? I mean, I gotta ask, what's the deal with “white pride” anyway? Pride goes with something YOU accomplished. Being born “whitish” isn't an accomplishment. It's just an accident of birth.

It should also be noted, I know how you and your friends operate. This isn't a debate. These comments are monitored. You have no voice here, dinosaur. Trolling any pages of mine only earns me more, so be my guest. Any threat you might ever make against me is just more money not spent on medical bills. Either way, I win. Cope. Deep, abdominal breathing helps.

CelinaGuerrero might just have grabbed the brass ring in nasty comments though. While I managed to grab just one screen-shot, our little sweetheart made a hobby of making nasty comments which even I won't repeat, repeatedly and then they disappeared. Well, a friend helped me nab her and now we'll see who has the last laugh. Girl, were you drunk? Proud of yourself yet? 

Unfortunately for me, this is where my computer was having trouble loading all of the comments. With the browser crashing and most of the cruder comments efficiently removed, I was unable to find anymore right now. But you folks can bet, I'll keep looking. If you happen to see any of them yourself, please DM them to me, along with a screenshot and the thread the comment happened on to @RetweetListeron Twitter. Be sure the abuse is an actual case please and not simply a response to someone else's crudeness or honest question. I can't guarantee I'll use them. But I'll definitely look into it. I wish I had found more. But for tonight, I need to ease off.

Remember, all we need is several hundred people complaining about abusers like these to Facebook. You don't need to contact these people yourselves. Some of them are minors and will most likely pee themselves if they knew what we really think of them. Just report them and let Facebook take it from there.

If you'd like to show further support to Little Miss Adalia Rose, visit her YouTube page at this link. And share her story to the world as well. Thanks for visiting here and we'll see you around.  


Today's winners September 2, 2012

Today's winners of a permanent place on the wall of shame are from the url found here. Remember to do your part in reporting these slobs for hate speech towards the disabled. Unfortunately for me, it seems many of the nastiest comments had either been removed or I was blocked. Either way, I'll get them eventually.

RobertToro offers us all this first little gem of unnecessary nastiness. Why he felt the need to pipe up, I'll never know. And while he's by no means the worst, let's show him he's not right to be vicious.

Next, we have the lubberly Chandler Flowers. Our hero felt the need to dig on the kid about her appearance, when he himself could stand to avoid the next dozen Twinkies himself. Mighty big of you there boy, in oh so many ways.

North Foote seems to feel the need to go out of his way to express his dissatisfaction with Adalia's update. I wonder if he's aware of the irony of how little anyone else cares, about his not caring. Probably not. He's probably too busy keeping his ears warm inside his colon.

Of course, we all know anyone with a fake name like John Do is just a wuss hiding behind a fake name. We'll maybe never lose this jerk. But let's at least not make it easy for him.

I'm not entirely sure if RaheemWaka Pettigrew understands that Adalia is only five. Being a human pile of idiocy just doesn't seem to satisfy him. He simply must advertise it to the world. If his momma didn't drop him on his head too many times, I'd sure like to.


Haddon Harms proves that there are multiple dummies who go out of the way to say “Nobody cares,” as if we care what he thinks. Jealous of a little kid with Progeria much?


I don't even know how to pronounce this name, but the spelling of yet another “Who cares?” type is Łukasz Kwiecień  No slack for this loser either, okay?


Triston “Sixx”Gonzales is apparently such a tiny, tiny man (and y'all know what I mean wink-wink) he feels the need to berate a kindergartener with Progeria. Hey Triston, not only do I want your comment to follow you, I hope you someday realize your parents gave you a girl's name.

BenButterworth seems to have mastered the art of cruelty. Take a gander at his comment and tell me you wouldn't love just a few minutes alone with this punk and no witnesses, even though we all know it'd be wrong. Nah. Far better to let him just shame himself publicly for life. The nasty creep didn't just stop with one. He had to go for a couple of “real zingers.” Remember Ben, your words are now a part of Internet history. Let's hope you enjoy all the attention you so well deserve from now on. What a big, brave man you are. May I call you Rambo?


James Buck is about to boggle the minds of most with just how nasty a guy can be. When you see his comment, don't let it hurt too bad. He might be so mentally damaged, he just can't help himself. I hope that's the case, anyway. I wonder why he doesn't like private messages. Report him. I'll keep his name up. Thank you.

JoshuaHealy and Luke Tormey are unique in that it appears they're sharing some sort of a mating call ritual. Well, here's to both of their happiness together from this day forward. I'm a supporter of gay marriage, after all. You two just make me tear up. I'm so glad you guys connected.


Could the parents of Michael Amodeo Jr. please come pick their little boy up from the day care? He can't stop picking on the 5-year-olds. Why come onto a page just to give a “Who cares?” I realize it's relatively harmless, but you're still just trying to be nasty. We see what you're doing, jerk.


Angel Trejo is just too cool to find a kind word. I'm sure his parents, friends and anyone else who knows him is just so proud to be associated with such a loving personality – or not.


Well, these are the first of what I believe will be many to come. I still wish something like this blog were just unnecessary. But the world will always have its fools. We just don't have to always put up with them. Among a variety of “honorable mentions” (such as one “Jordan Dick” who I'll be nabbing at the next opportunity you can be sure) I'd like to mention just how sweet and kind so many thousands of people are to this child. It seems good people do, in fact, outnumber the bad.

A few I saw just the other day were particularly nasty. Apparently, they've been removed. Lucky them. Let's all see how long it is they can resist the temptation to try it again and let's see how easily they're caught. Thanks for joining me today. Thanks for anything you've done to help make this right. This little angel deserves so much better than abusive treatment. Why? Because I say so. That's why. Who wants to argue about it? You know where to find me.

Not only can you support Adalia and her mom here but you can also visit their blog at this link. I'm betting they would appreciate the page views.


Introducing Speak Up For Adalia

What a strange world we live in. With all the good things there are in life to be happy for, there are also some things which are completely evil. Among those things which are good, we have the lovely little Miss Adalia Rose. Among the evil, we have folks who would harass this child.

Scroll down for the rest of the story. It's after the introduction.

Tell me what goes through your mind at the mere thought of someone being cruel and abusive to any 5-year-old girl. Now, how much more cowardly are those who pick on a little tyke living with Progeria? I'm starting this blog as a way to track and expose these types of people. I want them to not only regret ever being nasty to the kid, I also want them to regret ever joining Facebook. It's just not right that her mom should have to deal with all she does already, plus have to go after these abusive types too. Let's help watch her back people. She need not handle this alone.

I'll need your help. I'm sure I won't catch all of them. Those who know me are welcome to also contribute input here. Contact me and I'll add you as a contributor. We can stop them. Those who abuse a child are always cowards and we can make them cut their crap, just by standing up to them. Join me. Do this, not just for Adalia herself, but to also support her mom. Do this just because it's good to defy idiocy.

The plan here is simple: Whenever I see someone making cruel, vicious comments on her Facebook page, I list their profile link, a screenshot, the link it occurred on and any other information I can here. Others are more than welcome to contribute too. (We need not even be friends to work together on this. I'll even be grateful for any help from enemies. It's worth it to swallow my pride – no problem for me at all.)

From that point, it's a simple matter of reporting them to Facebook admin for hate speech towards the disabled. Let's get these types of animals off of this child's back, as well as her mom's. That's what I'm asking of you. Now, if you also choose to message the comment-maker and express your concerns, well, that's your call. I can't tell you whether it's a good idea to fill their inbox or not. Outside of reporting them to Facebook, exposing them, or contacting them in any other way must remain your personal decision.

What I don't recommend you do is get into any sort of argument with animals on the threads themselves. As Mark Twain said: “Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get muddy and the pig will enjoy it. Besides, it's ineffective and just adds that much more stress for the mother. We do our parts by reporting these animals and let Facebook handle the rest. Who knows? Maybe someday, ol' Zuck might even figure out some sort of filter for comments if we keep him busy enough on this. There's really no good reason to not stand up to these sorts of people who would be so vicious as to harass this little kid.

I'll be posting my first list here soon. (Here it is!) Those who've managed to find themselves listed here are here permanently. I will NEVER remove anyone's name! Sue me if you want. I've no discernible assets and Google is not responsible for any of my content. Once you're here, you stay. It's not a discussion. (If you don't want to be publicly exposed, perhaps you should have kept your fat mouth shut.) Now that you know of this blog's existence, you might want to pull any nasty comments you've made, before I, or one of my friends find you.

I'm careful to not list anyone who doesn't deserve to be exposed. I do my best to not list those who aren't so much being abusive as they are just - well - stupid ("I thought you were dead," "Get off your daughter's account," "Cool story bro," other hipster comments and such.) Some folks just aren't too bright. They're not my target - not yet anyway. I'm out for the mean ones right now. Of course, as I find more help watching the bullies, I might just go after idiots also. They need to learn too.

We good people can win this. Let's teach some jackasses the meaning of the word respect, okay? Let's show Adalia's mom a little support. Join me here. Subscribe, contribute. Let's all speak up for this little angel and for those who love her. Silence implies consent. I hope, someday, this blog is unnecessary. Wouldn't that be great?

So, let's re-cap the plan. Report the abusers via their link and give Facebook the link upon which the abusive comment(s) occured. Let them know it's hate speech towards the disabled. If enough of us do it, we'll get rid of the jerks, at least temporarily and there'll be less chance this little angel will ever be hurt by these nasty comments in the future. You with me? Good. Subscribe via feedburner for updates. Don't worry. I'll never see your email address and feedburner has an excellent reputation. Join me.

Neither little Miss Adalia Rose, her family nor anyone associated with her in any way, is responsible for the content of this blog. I do this of my own free will and without compensation or payment from the family or any of their associates.

I've just had enough. 

Anyone who'd like to know exactly why I'm so pissed off at these abusers are welcome to visit here.