These kids who make crude comments online seem to be lacking something in themselves. Maybe they feel that to show any kindness is some sort of a “weakness.” Maybe they're growing up in Klingon households where kindness is discouraged. Maybe they're taught that to be seen as strong, they must attack those smaller than them. I'd like to have a long talk with their parents. Of course, such efforts rarely bear fruit since these types of mentalities go back for many, many generations.
Then there are some of these comments made by adult versions of these teens. I can only guess they had similar childhoods as the teens who want to feel “big like daddy.” And even being out in the world now, they still have a craving to feel important, unique or at least pull some of the love shown for this little kid their way.
Aw. Poor little things. Well, too bad. This world doesn't guarantee love for anyone really – especially if you're going to pick on a 5-year-old. If it's recognition, love, attention or importance you yearn for, either do something to deserve it or just come out and ask for it from someone.
But to try to step on a parent having some fun with her baby, that's just not acceptable. To be nasty and abusive to this little girl should be criminal (and might be, depending on where you live). So, rather than show sympathy for such crude, abusive behavior to a little kid, I'm only going to put you here on my little wall of shame the moment I get a chance for a screenshot and leave you here, permanently. You messed up.
I have no qualms about being the catalyst which sparks a divorce, job loss, failed school admission, failed job interview or any other negative consequence of you landing here. Who the hell would want to deal with a child abuser anyway? (oh yes you are) You asked for this. Now cope with the repercussions if you've ended up on this blog.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you, your stupid friends or anyone else wishes to make an effort to hurt someone who's done you no wrong but is just trying to find all the happiness they can during this life, then I and my friends are your reaction.
I don't do this to be a hero, knight in shining armor or even anyone's friend. I'm not even a very nice guy, in fact. I do this because it's pretty shitty to be mean to a little kid and bring undeserved heartache onto their parents. Were you to try to act this way in public (meaning to not be hiding behind a monitor) the odds are good someone might grab you and just squeeze you until you pass out. And the cops, courts and all that just might go very easy on whoever did it to you too.
A lot of you are 4Chan members. Okay, I get it. Just leave your flavor of humor in those threads. It's welcome there. You don't get to dictate to the world how they have to respond to you. You need to learn how to live with the rest of the world. I certainly hate you enough to hope this turns out to be a painful lesson for you, for being cruel to a little kid.
And no, you don't get a voice within my comments to “let you explain.” You don't get to try trolling, lying or being a jerk here. I just laugh and hit “delete.” No problem for me. I sleep at night.
Like. A. Baby.
Well, here's today's bags of gas. Enjoy being pointed at, laughed at and recognized for the jackass you are:
These abuses occurred on this thread here. Facebook will need to know this when you report these people's profiles.
Jordan McLasse uses no words to express his displeasure with the post. We all know what the emoticon means. I bet you're such a hipster, huh. Too school for cool. Stay classy, McLasse.
Just when I thought her family had been merciful enough to report all the idiots, along comes Max Popenmoller. He's trying to sneak his own version of nasty in by typing in German. I don't know if he's just being “smart” by using German, or if it's his native tongue. I'm suspecting it's not his native tongue because Fb doesn't offer a translation. His comment translates to “I find you ugly,” on Google translate. Great. You have an opinion. What a great guy you must be. I'm sure a few women you meet later will someday love to know how you treat children. Oh yeah, dippy doo. They do background checks on guys these days.
“Sarah” seems to be a troll account on Fb. Let's do all we can to get it shut down. The individual might make a new one. But let's just not let it be easy for her.
Dan Jones demonstrates why little kids who know jack squat about the world do not need a Facebook page. They really have much to learn before they can be trusted with a soapbox. I'm sure his parents will be supportive though. They don't want to hurt baby's feelings.
A community page titled “Head Crab People” is doing their best to garner attention. So, let's give it to them. They try the disclaimer trick of telling people they're purposefully offensive. Well, if they like strategy, let's show them a strategy. Funny how admins of these pages like to whine about “freedom of expression” (Which I also support) but lack the balls to let people know who they are. We grown-ups put our names on what we promote.
Well, it seems this thread has already been cleaned by Adalia's friends and family. Lucky them, who have already been removed. I saw several names responded to in other comments. I'll be looking out for those names again. I'm sure they'll try popping their meaty heads up again. Soon, very soon.
But for today, these are all I could dig up, and like it or not, I must get onto other projects right now. But I'll be back.
**Oh look! A couple more asshats! Just in time to schedule this for tomorrow's edition!**
These are happening on the thread found here.
One Emil Strom just fails miserably at anything other than douchebaggery. Maybe he doesn't realize he's just the 10,000th gritty-toothed slob to crack the “Hey gurl, do you even lift” joke. Maybe he's trying to ridicule Adalia because of her size. Either way. He's here now! Let's all welcome him aboard by reporting him for harassing this kid.

Joining Emil with a “like” are four of his favorite hilarious boyfriends Merrill Lance, Shawn Jenks, Tyler Gowdy and the admin of Head Crab, again. Aww. You guys are such big, tough guys for hassling a 5-year-old, if you'll pardon my loose usage of the terms “big,” “tough” and “guys.”
These are happening on the thread found here.
One Emil Strom just fails miserably at anything other than douchebaggery. Maybe he doesn't realize he's just the 10,000th gritty-toothed slob to crack the “Hey gurl, do you even lift” joke. Maybe he's trying to ridicule Adalia because of her size. Either way. He's here now! Let's all welcome him aboard by reporting him for harassing this kid.
Joining Emil with a “like” are four of his favorite hilarious boyfriends Merrill Lance, Shawn Jenks, Tyler Gowdy and the admin of Head Crab, again. Aww. You guys are such big, tough guys for hassling a 5-year-old, if you'll pardon my loose usage of the terms “big,” “tough” and “guys.”
It seems another asshat's popped up for tonight too. I take much joy in knowing their cruelty to this child will cost them one day. Maybe not tomorrow – and I don't believe in karma or kizmet – I'm talking about future background searches. You'll come up and I wish I were there to watch you eat your words.
Schuyler Gonzales felt the need to demonstrate his rapier wit with one more giant bazinga. Wow. Who on Earth has ever encountered such a sense of humor? Go, young man, right now, Hollywood needs you.
Okay, well that's all I get to catch today. Too bad. These asshats really need to be exposed for the nasty idiots they are. Next to them, I feel like a damn genius.
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