
Introducing Speak Up For Adalia

What a strange world we live in. With all the good things there are in life to be happy for, there are also some things which are completely evil. Among those things which are good, we have the lovely little Miss Adalia Rose. Among the evil, we have folks who would harass this child.

Scroll down for the rest of the story. It's after the introduction.

Tell me what goes through your mind at the mere thought of someone being cruel and abusive to any 5-year-old girl. Now, how much more cowardly are those who pick on a little tyke living with Progeria? I'm starting this blog as a way to track and expose these types of people. I want them to not only regret ever being nasty to the kid, I also want them to regret ever joining Facebook. It's just not right that her mom should have to deal with all she does already, plus have to go after these abusive types too. Let's help watch her back people. She need not handle this alone.

I'll need your help. I'm sure I won't catch all of them. Those who know me are welcome to also contribute input here. Contact me and I'll add you as a contributor. We can stop them. Those who abuse a child are always cowards and we can make them cut their crap, just by standing up to them. Join me. Do this, not just for Adalia herself, but to also support her mom. Do this just because it's good to defy idiocy.

The plan here is simple: Whenever I see someone making cruel, vicious comments on her Facebook page, I list their profile link, a screenshot, the link it occurred on and any other information I can here. Others are more than welcome to contribute too. (We need not even be friends to work together on this. I'll even be grateful for any help from enemies. It's worth it to swallow my pride – no problem for me at all.)

From that point, it's a simple matter of reporting them to Facebook admin for hate speech towards the disabled. Let's get these types of animals off of this child's back, as well as her mom's. That's what I'm asking of you. Now, if you also choose to message the comment-maker and express your concerns, well, that's your call. I can't tell you whether it's a good idea to fill their inbox or not. Outside of reporting them to Facebook, exposing them, or contacting them in any other way must remain your personal decision.

What I don't recommend you do is get into any sort of argument with animals on the threads themselves. As Mark Twain said: “Never wrestle with a pig. You'll both get muddy and the pig will enjoy it. Besides, it's ineffective and just adds that much more stress for the mother. We do our parts by reporting these animals and let Facebook handle the rest. Who knows? Maybe someday, ol' Zuck might even figure out some sort of filter for comments if we keep him busy enough on this. There's really no good reason to not stand up to these sorts of people who would be so vicious as to harass this little kid.

I'll be posting my first list here soon. (Here it is!) Those who've managed to find themselves listed here are here permanently. I will NEVER remove anyone's name! Sue me if you want. I've no discernible assets and Google is not responsible for any of my content. Once you're here, you stay. It's not a discussion. (If you don't want to be publicly exposed, perhaps you should have kept your fat mouth shut.) Now that you know of this blog's existence, you might want to pull any nasty comments you've made, before I, or one of my friends find you.

I'm careful to not list anyone who doesn't deserve to be exposed. I do my best to not list those who aren't so much being abusive as they are just - well - stupid ("I thought you were dead," "Get off your daughter's account," "Cool story bro," other hipster comments and such.) Some folks just aren't too bright. They're not my target - not yet anyway. I'm out for the mean ones right now. Of course, as I find more help watching the bullies, I might just go after idiots also. They need to learn too.

We good people can win this. Let's teach some jackasses the meaning of the word respect, okay? Let's show Adalia's mom a little support. Join me here. Subscribe, contribute. Let's all speak up for this little angel and for those who love her. Silence implies consent. I hope, someday, this blog is unnecessary. Wouldn't that be great?

So, let's re-cap the plan. Report the abusers via their link and give Facebook the link upon which the abusive comment(s) occured. Let them know it's hate speech towards the disabled. If enough of us do it, we'll get rid of the jerks, at least temporarily and there'll be less chance this little angel will ever be hurt by these nasty comments in the future. You with me? Good. Subscribe via feedburner for updates. Don't worry. I'll never see your email address and feedburner has an excellent reputation. Join me.

Neither little Miss Adalia Rose, her family nor anyone associated with her in any way, is responsible for the content of this blog. I do this of my own free will and without compensation or payment from the family or any of their associates.

I've just had enough. 

Anyone who'd like to know exactly why I'm so pissed off at these abusers are welcome to visit here.

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