All I'm asking is you visit the profiles provided, report them for hate speech towards the disabled and tell Facebook staff which post they happened on (what I just provided above). Whether you send the comment-maker any message of your own remains your decision. But, as the blog-owner, I must advise against getting into any sort of encounter with these folks. Based on what I've seen they're probably not too stable mentally and that can spell danger. Let Facebook security take care of it after they've been reported.
As usual, I'm never taking down any name/profile which has found itself here. Too bad. If someone feels they're justified in being abusive to a 5-yr-old, then they should own up to their nastiness and own it for the rest of their lives. Maybe they should've picked on someone their own size.
I won't be listing those folks who say things like “I thought you were dead,” unless I see it multiple times. It seems some sickos on Facebook have at least five pages titled RIP Adalia Rose. So it's conceivable someone could be saying it in earnest. (And please report those pages on Facebook as you find them too.) Of course, like I said, multiples of such comments will land you here. Before any hipsters and asshats “think” it might be cool to be here – I can assure you – it will cost you someday. Maybe not right now, but someday.
This one is harder to do,not just because there are over 12,000 comments in general (I tried catching all of them. Honestly, I can already tell I'm going to need help with this hint hint) but also because some of them are just plain disgusting. If they were smart, they would have pulled their comment(s) long before now. They had their chance and now get to dance with the devil because he paid his dime. Try not to vomit at a couple of them.
I'm doing this because whomever is the individual deleting and reporting the nastier, abusive comments is only seeing those same slobs come back later to troll again. So if they insist on being repetitively abusive, then let's give them the name they're trying so hard to earn, right? Quite often, it's little boys who need the lesson in reality: For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
The first comment I want to share with you is from one DanielPreviti. Oh, his parents will just love seeing the comment which landed him his plce on the map of the blogosphere. See for yourself. Click on his name in this text, report him for sexual harassment (Sadly, he's not the only one today) and let's all teach him to mind his manners.
Our next hero hides under the username Phillipine SaW dis Johnson and he's all man, at least in his mind. Big big man. He thinks he's funny. So, so funny. Hahaha good luck when your actions catch up with you, son.
Austin Lynch show's us his audition for a future comedy routine. Of course, he fails to understand he's just a wuss who picks on kids. Loser, like so many others.
NinaBahdd Reyes seems to forget we have Google Translate these days. Acosar a un niño, no es gracioso, cerdito, y tampoco lo es el cáncer. Usted es repugnante.
Congratulations to Josh Farro for being maybe douchebag number 100 since I've been watching to crack an “Adelia's dead” remark. You win the douchebag award and if you'll come by to pick it up, I'll gladly give you one printed up copy of this post, which you can stick anywhere you like as long as it's...
Josh Sherman show's himself to not only be the kind of guy who would
try to break a little kid's heart, he waits until he “thinks”
nobody's looking and then to sneak one more needless, nasty comment
in. Caught you before you were deleted twerp. Well, if you think you're funny, you just might be famous one

Dane M Inman seems not only intent on ripping into the core of this baby's heart, but also her mother's and making a plug for the kookie krooks klan as well. So Dane, I wonder how proud you really are now? I mean, I gotta ask, what's the deal with “white pride” anyway? Pride goes with something YOU accomplished. Being born “whitish” isn't an accomplishment. It's just an accident of birth.
It should also be noted, I know how you and your friends operate. This isn't a debate. These comments are monitored. You have no voice here, dinosaur. Trolling any pages of mine only earns me more, so be my guest. Any threat you might ever make against me is just more money not spent on medical bills. Either way, I win. Cope. Deep, abdominal breathing helps.
CelinaGuerrero might just have grabbed the brass ring in nasty comments though. While I managed to grab just one screen-shot, our little sweetheart made a hobby of making nasty comments which even I won't repeat, repeatedly and then they disappeared. Well, a friend helped me nab her and now we'll see who has the last laugh. Girl, were you drunk? Proud of yourself yet?

Dane M Inman seems not only intent on ripping into the core of this baby's heart, but also her mother's and making a plug for the kookie krooks klan as well. So Dane, I wonder how proud you really are now? I mean, I gotta ask, what's the deal with “white pride” anyway? Pride goes with something YOU accomplished. Being born “whitish” isn't an accomplishment. It's just an accident of birth.
It should also be noted, I know how you and your friends operate. This isn't a debate. These comments are monitored. You have no voice here, dinosaur. Trolling any pages of mine only earns me more, so be my guest. Any threat you might ever make against me is just more money not spent on medical bills. Either way, I win. Cope. Deep, abdominal breathing helps.
CelinaGuerrero might just have grabbed the brass ring in nasty comments though. While I managed to grab just one screen-shot, our little sweetheart made a hobby of making nasty comments which even I won't repeat, repeatedly and then they disappeared. Well, a friend helped me nab her and now we'll see who has the last laugh. Girl, were you drunk? Proud of yourself yet?
Unfortunately for me, this is where my computer was having trouble loading all of the comments. With the browser crashing and most of the cruder comments efficiently removed, I was unable to find anymore right now. But you folks can bet, I'll keep looking. If you happen to see any of them yourself, please DM them to me, along with a screenshot and the thread the comment happened on to @RetweetListeron Twitter. Be sure the abuse is an actual case please and not simply a response to someone else's crudeness or honest question. I can't guarantee I'll use them. But I'll definitely look into it. I wish I had found more. But for tonight, I need to ease off.
Remember, all we need is several hundred people complaining about abusers like these to Facebook. You don't need to contact these people yourselves. Some of them are minors and will most likely pee themselves if they knew what we really think of them. Just report them and let Facebook take it from there.
If you'd like to show further support to Little Miss Adalia Rose, visit her YouTube page at this link. And share her story to the world as well. Thanks for visiting here and we'll see you around.
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