Okay, I'm running a
bit behind today, hence the late post. Sorry, but I gotta get out
there and make the moolah too.
I've noticed something over these past few days of running this blog. When I see these comments from the ignorant folks who feel the need to pick on a little kid, I understand now exactly why it ticks me off. They're me. I used to be one of these types. Not that I'd be mean to a little kid, but I've made similar comments in other discussions to others which some might call “mean.” (We all have the capacity to be idiots. It's these who go after a 5-year-old who make me wonder if they're sociopaths.)
And it's those rare few who care enough to bother with calling me out on my bullshit that ever got me to break my cycle of crappy thinking. So, those of you who gt caught on this blog, you can either see it as me calling you out on it or you can see it as someone trying to do you the favor of making you think about the effects of your words. Either way, I'm fine.
You still deserve to one day answer for your abuses. And here you are. This blog is small potatoes now. But the more you give of me to share of you to the world, the better I index. This means even if you suddenly one day realize what sort of ass you are and quit trying to be hurtful, another asshat just like you helps me to make you all stand out. Aint it a beautifully vicious machine? It chews and chews and chews and the more it's fed, the sharper its teeth become.
So, in order to help make sure my blog doesn't come back on you one day and bite you in the ass, you'll not only need to quit your own abusive behavior, you'll need to contribute to the general mentality of proper behavior itself. But still, don't mistake me for a nice guy. I'm not. What I really wanna do is thump you in the eyeball. But I know now just how wrong that would be. So we'll do it this way.
I love doing this.
Of the 17,000+ comments on the thread found here, I couldn't find one nasty comment. I'll have to look into other threads as more free time allows. And, if you have a minute, go give the video a watch. It'll brighten your day, I guarantee it. She'll win you over too, if you don't already know about this little angel.
Just when I thought there might be some modicum of reason beginning to show up on her page, we now find a few unforgivables on the following thread. Facebook admin needs to know the thread where these fools acted up in your report.
I'm not going to comment much on some of these. I really think they'll speak for themselves better than anything I could ever say. RJAntosh Mattz-Gormley...well, like I said, I really can't say more than this low-life could ever say about themselves. I'm not sure if this fool realizes they're talking about such a young child. If they do, then well...I'm just at a loss for words.

SimasSimonas wants to express his pathetically low opinon of himself in Lithuanian. The only problem is he made the mistake at projecting it towards the wrong direction. Google Translate tells me his comment means “Pooh Dislike.” What is it with these little boys? Their parents taught them nothing?

Matt Diamond's comment is a little bit less harmful. He seems to be just another little boy who thinks his joke is the first time anyone's ever tried being a douche. Little bastard. What's so offensive about this comment is it's from a meme of "Who needs swag when you have progeria?" See, these little morons falsely allege the family of exploiting her disease. Little baby Matt here seems to feel it necessary to show the world how cool he thinks himself.

Well these three seem to be the only ones I get to catch tonight. I'm keeping track of other names I see referenced though. They'll pop their crappy little heads up again. They're just too damn stupid not to. I'll get them.
I realize most of these comments are from the young and extremely ignorant. But you know what? Nothing educates like pain. And I'd bet getting shot down for entance into some particular school, some job or even a relationship or two sometime in the future will be painful indeed. I'll see y'all around.
I've noticed something over these past few days of running this blog. When I see these comments from the ignorant folks who feel the need to pick on a little kid, I understand now exactly why it ticks me off. They're me. I used to be one of these types. Not that I'd be mean to a little kid, but I've made similar comments in other discussions to others which some might call “mean.” (We all have the capacity to be idiots. It's these who go after a 5-year-old who make me wonder if they're sociopaths.)
And it's those rare few who care enough to bother with calling me out on my bullshit that ever got me to break my cycle of crappy thinking. So, those of you who gt caught on this blog, you can either see it as me calling you out on it or you can see it as someone trying to do you the favor of making you think about the effects of your words. Either way, I'm fine.
You still deserve to one day answer for your abuses. And here you are. This blog is small potatoes now. But the more you give of me to share of you to the world, the better I index. This means even if you suddenly one day realize what sort of ass you are and quit trying to be hurtful, another asshat just like you helps me to make you all stand out. Aint it a beautifully vicious machine? It chews and chews and chews and the more it's fed, the sharper its teeth become.
So, in order to help make sure my blog doesn't come back on you one day and bite you in the ass, you'll not only need to quit your own abusive behavior, you'll need to contribute to the general mentality of proper behavior itself. But still, don't mistake me for a nice guy. I'm not. What I really wanna do is thump you in the eyeball. But I know now just how wrong that would be. So we'll do it this way.
I love doing this.
Of the 17,000+ comments on the thread found here, I couldn't find one nasty comment. I'll have to look into other threads as more free time allows. And, if you have a minute, go give the video a watch. It'll brighten your day, I guarantee it. She'll win you over too, if you don't already know about this little angel.
Just when I thought there might be some modicum of reason beginning to show up on her page, we now find a few unforgivables on the following thread. Facebook admin needs to know the thread where these fools acted up in your report.
I'm not going to comment much on some of these. I really think they'll speak for themselves better than anything I could ever say. RJAntosh Mattz-Gormley...well, like I said, I really can't say more than this low-life could ever say about themselves. I'm not sure if this fool realizes they're talking about such a young child. If they do, then well...I'm just at a loss for words.
SimasSimonas wants to express his pathetically low opinon of himself in Lithuanian. The only problem is he made the mistake at projecting it towards the wrong direction. Google Translate tells me his comment means “Pooh Dislike.” What is it with these little boys? Their parents taught them nothing?
Matt Diamond's comment is a little bit less harmful. He seems to be just another little boy who thinks his joke is the first time anyone's ever tried being a douche. Little bastard. What's so offensive about this comment is it's from a meme of "Who needs swag when you have progeria?" See, these little morons falsely allege the family of exploiting her disease. Little baby Matt here seems to feel it necessary to show the world how cool he thinks himself.
Well these three seem to be the only ones I get to catch tonight. I'm keeping track of other names I see referenced though. They'll pop their crappy little heads up again. They're just too damn stupid not to. I'll get them.
I realize most of these comments are from the young and extremely ignorant. But you know what? Nothing educates like pain. And I'd bet getting shot down for entance into some particular school, some job or even a relationship or two sometime in the future will be painful indeed. I'll see y'all around.
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