RobertToro offers us all this first little gem of unnecessary nastiness. Why he felt the need to pipe up, I'll never know. And while he's by no means the worst, let's show him he's not right to be vicious.
Next, we have the lubberly Chandler Flowers. Our hero felt the need to dig on the kid about her appearance, when he himself could stand to avoid the next dozen Twinkies himself. Mighty big of you there boy, in oh so many ways.
North Foote seems to feel the need to go out of his way to express his dissatisfaction with Adalia's update. I wonder if he's aware of the irony of how little anyone else cares, about his not caring. Probably not. He's probably too busy keeping his ears warm inside his colon.
Of course, we all know anyone with a fake name like John Do is just a wuss hiding behind a fake name. We'll maybe never lose this jerk. But let's at least not make it easy for him.
I'm not entirely sure if RaheemWaka Pettigrew understands that Adalia is only five. Being a human pile of idiocy just doesn't seem to satisfy him. He simply must advertise it to the world. If his momma didn't drop him on his head too many times, I'd sure like to.
Haddon Harms proves that there are multiple dummies who go out of the way to say “Nobody cares,” as if we care what he thinks. Jealous of a little kid with Progeria much?
I don't even know how to pronounce this name, but the spelling of yet another “Who cares?” type is Łukasz Kwiecień No slack for this loser either, okay?
Triston “Sixx”Gonzales is apparently such a tiny, tiny man (and y'all know what I mean wink-wink) he feels the need to berate a kindergartener with Progeria. Hey Triston, not only do I want your comment to follow you, I hope you someday realize your parents gave you a girl's name.
BenButterworth seems to have mastered the art of cruelty. Take a gander at his comment and tell me you wouldn't love just a few minutes alone with this punk and no witnesses, even though we all know it'd be wrong. Nah. Far better to let him just shame himself publicly for life. The nasty creep didn't just stop with one. He had to go for a couple of “real zingers.” Remember Ben, your words are now a part of Internet history. Let's hope you enjoy all the attention you so well deserve from now on. What a big, brave man you are. May I call you Rambo?
James Buck is about to boggle the minds of most with just how nasty a guy can be. When you see his comment, don't let it hurt too bad. He might be so mentally damaged, he just can't help himself. I hope that's the case, anyway. I wonder why he doesn't like private messages. Report him. I'll keep his name up. Thank you.
JoshuaHealy and Luke Tormey are unique in that it appears they're sharing some sort of a mating call ritual. Well, here's to both of their happiness together from this day forward. I'm a supporter of gay marriage, after all. You two just make me tear up. I'm so glad you guys connected.
Could the parents of Michael Amodeo Jr. please come pick their little boy up from the day care? He can't stop picking on the 5-year-olds. Why come onto a page just to give a “Who cares?” I realize it's relatively harmless, but you're still just trying to be nasty. We see what you're doing, jerk.
Angel Trejo is just too cool to find a kind word. I'm sure his parents, friends and anyone else who knows him is just so proud to be associated with such a loving personality – or not.
Well, these are the first of what I believe will be many to come. I still wish something like this blog were just unnecessary. But the world will always have its fools. We just don't have to always put up with them. Among a variety of “honorable mentions” (such as one “Jordan Dick” who I'll be nabbing at the next opportunity you can be sure) I'd like to mention just how sweet and kind so many thousands of people are to this child. It seems good people do, in fact, outnumber the bad.
A few I saw just the other day were particularly nasty. Apparently, they've been removed. Lucky them. Let's all see how long it is they can resist the temptation to try it again and let's see how easily they're caught. Thanks for joining me today. Thanks for anything you've done to help make this right. This little angel deserves so much better than abusive treatment. Why? Because I say so. That's why. Who wants to argue about it? You know where to find me.
Not only can you support Adalia and her mom here but you can also visit their blog at this link. I'm betting they would appreciate the page views.
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